Subject name
ID (subject code)
Type of subject
Contact lessons
Course types and lessons
Type of assessment
exam grade
Number of credits
Subject Coordinator
Dr. Gilányi Zsolt
associate professor
Contact details
Educational organisational unit for the subject
Department of Economics
Subject website
Language of the subject
magyar - HU; english - ENG
Curricular role of the subject, recommended number of terms

Programme: Engineering Management Bachelor’s Programme from 2015/16/Term 1

Subject Role: Compulsory

Recommended semester: 2

Programme: Engineering Management Bachelor’s Programme from 2017/18/Term 1

Subject Role: Compulsory

Recommended semester: 0

Direct prerequisites
Validity of the Subject Description
Approved by the Faculty Board of Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Decree No: KT 2019.05.29. Valid from September 1, 2019.


The aim of the course is to describe some important real world phenomena in the framework of national accounting, including especially the functioning of the monetary system (increasing stock of money and loan), public debt, unemployment, crisis, cycles and economic growth. In addition to an introduction into the basic notions and principles, we link together theory and practice through genuine national accounting and financial data published by the statistical office and the central bank.

Academic results

  1. the framework of inational accouting, payment systemsa and basic terms used in makroeconomics;
  2. rules of different monetary systems,
  3. the modern private credit-money system and the Chicago-plan aiming to reform it
  4. notion of unemployment,
  5. input-output analysis method to describe multi sector models,
  6. the effects of basic economic intervention
  7. the main propositions of the Keynesian theory and of the general equilibrium theory
  1. interpret real economies with absract models
  2. interpret genuine economic data published by the statistical office,
  3. analyse economic process,
  4. identify economic problems and also the tools to answer these problems
  5. formulate scientific propositions
  6. present ideas in a comprehensive manner
  1. collaborate with their instructors and fellow students during the learning process,
  2. sociable, ethical and objective attude toward socio-economic problems
  3. gain knowledge and information,
  4. are open to learn and adapt the methodology of information technology tools
  5. are aiming at precise and correct problem solution.
Independence and responsibility
  1. independently formulate and solve problems related to macroeconomic process,
  2. take responsability for their work and professional progress
  3. are open for reliable critical remarks
  4. use scientific thinking.

Teaching methodology

Lectures, computational exercises and communication in written and oral form.

Materials supporting learning

  • Gilányi, Zs.(2020), Piacgazda(g)ság: oikonomia vagy khrematistiké?, Akadémia kiadó.
  • Benes J.-Kumhof M. (2012), The Chicago Plan Revisited, IMF Working Paper.
  • Cartelier J. (2018), Money, Markets and Capital, Routledge.
  • L-Randall Wray (2015), Modern Money Theory, Palgrave

General Rules

Assessment of learning outcomes described under 2.2. is based on 6 obligatory and 4 optional written tests during the semester (learing unit assessement), and during the exam session an overall written assessement (written exam).

Performance assessment methods

A. Szorgalmi időszakban végzett teljesítményértékelések részletes leírása - Detailed description of assesments during the semester: 1. Részteljesítmény-értékelés (ellenőrző dolgozat): a tantárgy tudás, képesség, valamint önállóság típusú kompe-tenciaelemeinek komplex értékelési módja, melynek megjelenési formája az ellenőrző dolgozat, amelynek tartalmát, követelményeit és értékelési módját a tantárgy előadója határozza meg. 1. Learning unit assessment: the precise from, content and assessment of the written test is to be determined by the lecturer. B. Vizsgaidőszakban végzett teljesítményértékelés (vizsga) – assessment in exam session (exam) A vizsga elemei – elements of the exam: 1. Írásbeli teljesítményértékelés (vizsga): a tantárgy tudás, képesség, attitűd valamint önállóság és felelősség tí-pusú kompetenciaelemeinek komplex értékelési módja, melynek megjelenési formája az írásbeli vizsga, amelynek tartalmát, követelményeit és értékelési módját a tantárgy előadója határozza meg. 2. Évközi eredmények beszámítása: az évközi eredmény a vizsgára bocsájtás (aláírás megszerzésének) feltétele, és az érdemjegy kialakításában is szerepet játszik. 1. Written assessment (exam): the precise from, content and assessment of the written test is to be determined by the lecturer. 2. During the semester assessment in final grading: prerequisite for exam admittance and also included in final grading

Percentage of performance assessments, conducted during the study period, within the rating

  • 1. learing unit assessment (1. test): 0 vagy/or 25%
  • 2. learing unit assessment (2. test): 0 vagy/or 25%
  • 3. learing unit assessment (3. test): 0 vagy/or 25%
  • 4. learing unit assessment (4. test): 0 vagy/or 25%
  • 5. learing unit assessment (5. test): 0 vagy/or 25%
  • 6. learing unit assessment (6. test): 0 vagy/or 25%
  • total: 100%

Percentage of exam elements within the rating

  • written exam: 72%
  • during semester assessments: 28%
  • total: 100%+

Conditions for obtaining a signature, validity of the signature

The condition to obtain the singiture (to present at the exam) is to achieve at least 50% of 4 during the period tests out of the 6.

Issuing grades

Excellent 90-100
Very good 84–90
Good 72,5–84
Satisfactory 65–72,5
Pass 50–65
Fail 50

Retake and late completion

During semester tests cannot be made up or retaken. The admittance to exam is determined by the best 4 test out of the 6. The written exam can be retaken and made up according to the general rules on studies and exam fixed by the university.

Coursework required for the completion of the subject

Nature of work Number of sessions per term
Participation in contact lessons 14×2=28
Preparation during the semester for for contact lessons and tests 14×2=28
preparation for exam 34
total 90

Approval and validity of subject requirements

Consulted with the Faculty Student Representative Committee, approved by dr. Lógó Emma, Vice Dean for Educatio. Date: 05. 13. 2019. Valid from September 1, 2019.

Topics covered during the term

Subject includes the topics detailed in the course syllabus to ensure learning outcomes listed under 2.2. can be achieved. Timing of the topics may be affected by calendar or other circumstances in each semester

Lecture topics
1. ömlesztettBasic notions and concepts 1: theoretical procedure, scope of macroeconomics; wealth and basic logic of wealth accumulation.
2. Basic notions and concepts 2: Notion of payment system; monetary system as a special payment system, and money as an element of this system
3. Functioning of the modern private credit money system: money creation and bank transactions
4. Properties of the modern private credit money system
5. Exercises: money creation and bank transactions
6. Attempts aiming at reforming the modern credit money system: Chicago plan
7. Structure of national accounting, main aggregates (investment, saving, consumption, GDP)
8. Structure of national accounting: exercises
9. Phenomena interpreted in the framework of national accounting: growth, economic cycle, crisis
10. Input-output model: exercises with real and nominal variables
11. Simplified Keynesian model: multiplier effect, paradox of thrift and involuntary unemployment
12. Exercises: Simplified Keynesian model
13. IS-LM model
14. Summary, exercises

Additional lecturers

Name Position Contact details
Dr. Ligeti Zsombor egyetemi docens, associate professor ligeti.zsombor@gtk.bme.hu

Approval and validity of subject requirements

Part I-III of the Subject Form is to be approved by the Head of Department of Economics named under 1.8.