Programme: Business administration and management Bachelor’s Programme from 2021/22/Term 1
Subject Role:
Recommended semester: 5
Programme: Communication and media studies Bachelor’s Programme compulsory subjects from 2018
Subject Role: Elective
Recommended semester: 0
Programme: Engineering Management Bachelor’s Programme from 2015/16/Term 1
Subject Role:
Recommended semester: 6
Programme: Engineering Management Bachelor’s Programme from 2017/18/Term 1
Subject Role: Elective
Recommended semester: 3
Programme: International Management Bachelor’s Programme from 2018/19/Term 1
Subject Role:
Recommended semester: 5
Programme: International Management Bachelor’s Programme from 2020/21/Term 1
Subject Role:
Recommended semester: 3
Programme: Finance and Accounting Bachelor’s Programme from 2019/20/Term 1
Subject Role: Elective
Recommended semester: 4
Programme: Business Administration and Management Bachelor’s Programme from 2018/19/Term 1
Subject Role:
Recommended semester: 5
Programme: International Management Bachelor’s Programme from 2022/23/Term 1
Subject Role:
Recommended semester: 5
The aim of the course is to introduce the students through various taboos - or phenomena considered to be taboo - to communication themes and scenes that are actively present in everyday discourse (minority, politics, subcultures, power, sexuality, grief, etc.), but with these related social norms and communication strategies are quite divergent and often create tension, for example we cannot talk about them, we cannot look at them, we cannot hear them. If we initiate public discourses/thinking about these topics - even within the framework of an institutional course - then the students can experience the usefulness of an understanding analysis of communication, as well as its positive consequences in relation to phenomena for which individual taboo discourse methods are developed, so that they cannot or very difficultly start a dialogue . In the classes, we examine different types of social/communication acts (such as habits, misunderstandings, fear of sanctions, assumptions, rumours, human games) as communications, and we observe that the layers of meaning that emerge during the analysis – body, illness, relational taboos, deviance, etc. - how they can influence our understanding of our everyday world.
Academic results
- Solid knowledge of the conceptualization for studying social processes
- Basic knowledge of social science methodologies
- Basic knowledge of social institutions (law, language, religion, etc.).
- Ability to recognize social and communication problems, and to choose appropriate solutions
- Ability to make judgements in practical tasks, ability to make independent decisions
- Reliable use of professional language.
- Openness to social change
- Social sensitivity, solidarity
- Adoption of democratic and rule of law standards.
Independence and responsibility
- Display one’s own worldview in a professional setting
- Independence
- Constructiveness and assertiveness in the context of institutional operation.
Teaching methodology
lecturing and in-class discussions, independent work
Materials supporting learning
- A tantárgy elvégzéshez szükséges oktatási anyagok, szakirodalom a kurzus moodle-oldaláról érhető el a hallgatóknak ( – Books, notes, downloadable materials (
- Tananyag: a kurzus tananyaga elsősorban az előadás anyaga, valamint a moodle-ra hétről-hétre felkerülő ppt és javasolt szakirodalom.
General Rules
A 2.2. pontban megfogalmazott tanulási eredmények értékelése: a) mindkét zh megírása, továbbá b) a félévközi és a félév végi zh-k pontszámainak egyenkénti legalább elégséges szintű abszolválása (a szerezhető pontok 50%.) Ennek hiányában az „Elégtelen" bejegyzés kerül a Neptunba. A zárthelyik egyforma, 50–50%-os súllyal kerülnek beszámításra a félévközi jegy megállapításakor.
Performance assessment methods
Az előadás anyagának számonkérése ZH formájában.
Percentage of performance assessments, conducted during the study period, within the rating
- 1st performance assessment: 50
- 2nd performance assessment: 50
- total: 100
Percentage of exam elements within the rating
Issuing grades
% | |
Excellent | 91-100 |
Very good | 86–90 |
Good | 73–85 |
Satisfactory | 65–72 |
Pass | 50–64 |
Fail | < 50 |
Retake and late completion
Retake and make-up test options are defined by the valid regulations of the University’s Code on Education and Examination.
Coursework required for the completion of the subject
Nature of work | Number of sessions per term |
class attendance | 28 |
prep. for assessment | 25 |
reading | 37 |
total | 90 |
Approval and validity of subject requirements
Topics covered during the term
A tabu és titok fogalmának diszciplináris feltérképezése, kommunikációs hatékonysága; A tabu jelenléte a társadalomban; Tabutipológiák/Milyen tabukat ismerünk?; Társadalmi problémák kommunikációs aspektusai; Megdöntött és visszavágyott tabuk; Trigger warning, safe space; Tabu és interkulturalitás; Tabusértés – Tabudöntés; Tabu a képzőművészet; A test tabuja I. – Szexualitás, „genderstratégiák”; A test tabuja II. - Születés, halál, erőszak; Kisebbségek, politika, vallás
Lecture topics | |
1. | - |
Additional lecturers
Name | Position | Contact details |