Programme: Business administration and management Bachelor’s Programme from 2021/22/Term 1
Subject Role: Core requirement
Recommended semester: 0
Programme: Communication and media studies Bachelor’s Programme compulsory subjects from 2018
Subject Role: Compulsory
Recommended semester: 1
Programme: Engineering Management Bachelor’s Programme from 2015/16/Term 1
Subject Role: Core requirement
Recommended semester: 0
Programme: Engineering Management Bachelor’s Programme from 2017/18/Term 1
Subject Role: Core requirement
Recommended semester: 0
Programme: Engineering Management Bachelor’s Programme 2010
Subject Role: Core requirement
Recommended semester: 1
Programme: International Management Bachelor’s Programme from 2018/19/Term 1
Subject Role: Core requirement
Recommended semester: 0
Programme: International Management Bachelor’s Programme from 2020/21/Term 1
Subject Role: Core requirement
Recommended semester: 0
Programme: Finance and Accounting Bachelor’s Programme from 2019/20/Term 1
Subject Role: Core requirement
Recommended semester: 0
Programme: Business Administration and Management Bachelor’s Programme from 2018/19/Term 1
Subject Role: Core requirement
Recommended semester: 0
Programme: International Management Bachelor’s Programme from 2022/23/Term 1
Subject Role: Core requirement
Recommended semester: 1
Emphasis on a healthy lifestyle, lifestyle, education on regular sports activities. During physical education classes, we perform basic health screenings to shed light on the relationship between heart rate, blood pressure, body weight data, and conscious physical activity.
Academic results
- By completing the course, the student gets to know the specifics of the given sport.
- The student acquires an understanding of basic biological, anatomical, biomechanical relationships.
- The student learns about the beneficial effects of regular sports on the body, the effects of which are highlighted by measurements (for example: heart rate, blood pressure).
- The student is able to independently practice the movement material of the given sport with the correct execution.
- The student is able to distinguish between health-promoting and health-damaging attitudes.
Independence and responsibility
Teaching methodology
Practical classes with active class participation.
Materials supporting learning
General Rules
A testnevelés kritérium tárgy, két félév teljesítése kötelező. Aláírás megszerzése a követelmény. A tantárgy célkitűzéseinek megvalósítása 28 sportág (kurzus) gyakorlatanyagának felhasználásával heti 1alkalommal gyakorlati órában történik
Performance assessment methods
Vezetett névsor a hallgatók jelenlétéről. Az órák 70%-án való aktív részvétel a teljesítés feltétele.
Percentage of performance assessments, conducted during the study period, within the rating
Percentage of exam elements within the rating
Conditions for obtaining a signature, validity of the signature
A jelenléti ív alapján „Aláírás” vagy „Aláírás megtagadva” bejegyzés. A gyakorlati foglalkozások 70% -án történő aktív részvétel.
Issuing grades
% | |
Excellent | -100 |
Very good | |
Good | |
Satisfactory | |
Pass | |
Fail |
Retake and late completion
A 15. oktatási héten (pótlási hét) van lehetőség pótlásra.
Coursework required for the completion of the subject
Nature of work | Number of sessions per term |
Approval and validity of subject requirements
Topics covered during the term
Lecture topics | |
1. | - |
Additional lecturers
Name | Position | Contact details |